What a successful first week at Camp Flip Fest! The fresh air, sunshine, smiling faces from both kids and staff alike was infectious. All the kids were bursting with excitement to catch up with friends and their favorite coaches at camp. It was as if we never left this magical place, and picked back up from where we left off.
As a dance educator it is really rewarding for the kids to run up to you give you a great big hug and say, "I missed you, Miss N’tegrity!" Quickly following that statement is the question,“ Miss N’tegrity, what songs are we dancing to this year?”... I just laugh and quickly say, “Well, it's a secret, you’ll have to wait and see.” Internally, I was so anxious to teach them the new dances my NIM team and I have worked so hard to create for them.
While there were new improvements at camp Flip Fest this year in terms of scheduling, NIM had also made some new improvements of our own. Since we focus on program development and mental health, it's important that we start the kids off with some fun activities to get the right yummy ingredients in their head before they move. This year the dances are shorter but FUN, have some props, great choreography, and crowd participation. As our way of saying "thank you!", we have also added a special feature to our NIM home page. This year the kids can download the music for free, along with more of their favorite tunes from previous years at camp. We only ask that the parents can share their email address with us so we can tell them all of the amazing things were up to this year!
If that’s not #AWESOME enough, Flip Fest has added a live stream to see what the kids are up to at camp. Now you can see your kids all the time, participating in all the fun activities here at camp.
The kids did an amazing job dancing at their camper show for the parents. With the exception of a few surprises at the end of the show, what has not changed here with both NIM and Flip Fest is the feeling you get after you're about to leave. You feel Loved, Valued, and Appreciated. You feel like your cup is full, not half empty -- you leave feeling fulfilled. You leave ready to start your journey and take over the world. If you are coming to this place for the first time, then you now know you have a support system and family that’s got your back every step of the way.
With happy tears of joy, I give you all great big hugs! All my little mamas, you are the real superheroes and I’m so excited to see all that you will do in this world and more!
N’tegrity In Motion - “No Matter what you do with your passion, always keep it #InMotion”
#Ntegrityinmotion #InMotionMondays #Dancelife #Fitlife #Blessedlife #Live #Serve #Grow #Youth #FlipFest #FFwhutwhut
Special Thanks to @Bjorn Hermansen for the incredible photos! Please follow his work and check him out @Bjornbh @Capturedbybjor